
Who wants to be happy forever?

As 2020 ends in a few hours I wanted to share my feelings. If you turn on pretty much any news on TV or web pages you will see that 2020 is all gloom and doom. I don’t see it that way. At least not today in this moment. I went through a lot this year. I started out in a temporary place to live for a few months while legal proceedings were ongoing. Once those ended, I could get money from the house that I was co-owner of and able to find a more permanent place to call home. I didn’t know where that was going to be as I didn’t know what I would be able to afford. Then the pandemic hit. Suddenly, I lost all in person contact with everyone until the world could figure out what was happening. Then zoom meetings started to make me feel better as I was able to at least see who I was communicating with. They all said by June it should all be over. Yeah, right. OK, you know how it went from there, I don’t have to remind you. As the year went on, I finally settled my personal lega

Help Is On the Way

I reached a breaking point not too long ago with my tolerance for the people who just react negative to everything. They think the world is out to get them. They follow the wrong leaders. Yes, I came to a realization that I cannot change those people. I can avoid them as best as I can but they are not going anywhere. I choose to be positive and happy. In order to continue that I have to block out the noise of those other people. It seems like their goal is to take out people like me who want to be happy. I refuse to let them. In 2021 there will be a time when the pandemic eases up enough to finally socialize again in person. When that time comes, anyone who loves hugs can get in line and I will be happy to give you my best one. I know the negative people won't be in line and I'm grateful for that. I will celebrate victory over evil. The happy people will apreciate more than ever the tiny details that we've all missed. I'm already trying to prioritize what I

Always Be Grateful

Every morning as soon as I wake up and every evening before I close my eyes I think of things that I am grateful for. Try it even one day and you will find that you sleep better and wake up smiling.

Doors Are Opening

Do you ever wonder why things don't go your way? Sometimes it feels like nothing does. Turn that thought around and make it that whatever is going "wrong" is just preparing you for what awesome things are about to happen to you. When your attitude becomes 'my time is coming', somehow things start going your way. Keep a positive attitude and you will reap the benefits. Soon you will see doors that were chained shut for years start to open for you. Your mind is powerful. Make it work for you and attract the good that you are emitting. Your mind and soul are magnets. Attract heavenly things!

Know Who Your Real Friends Are

Many people have come into my life. Some just for a short moment and others I have known for years. If I had to pick who would drop everything and come to my aid if I needed help, I would have to say I could count those friends on one hand. Obviously I disqualified many because of the distance from where I am to where they are. If distance wasn't a factor the list would be much higher. The point I am making is I cherish the good friends who I have. Sometimes we go weeks without talking but they are always on my mind. The reason is at some point in our lives we just clicked. Either it was our personalities were compatible or one of us helped the other and that created a bond. In any case the common denominator in all of my friends is honesty. My friends aren't afraid to tell me the truth. Because of that there is a comfort unlike I have with most aquaintances. No matter what happens in life I feel great becuase of the friendship I have with some good people. Surround

Dream Away!

You have to dream it before you can get it. What are your dreams? I get so lost in mine sometimes, I feel like I am living it. Those are the ones that usually come true for me. Don't hold back. Anything is fair game in your dreams.

Change Your Attitude

When something happens that doesn't go in your favor, instead of thinking "Why does something always bad happen to me?", try thinking "What lesson can I learn from this?" and "This will make me stronger!". Enjoy today! It's an opportunity of a lifetime!